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총 게시물 318건, 최근 0 건 안내
이전글  다음글  검색목록 목록

COVID-19의 영향으로 문닫고 취소된 캘거리 전역 시설물과 행사 안내

글쓴이 : 반장님 날짜 : 2020-03-17 (화) 09:53 조회 : 28470
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B07-661

COVID-19의 영향으로 캘거리와 캘거리 주변 지역에서 폐쇄된 시설물과 취소된 행사에 대한 안내.

All K-12 classes cancelled indefinitely effective March 16, 공립학교
Calgary Public Library - all branches closed, all programs and events closed 도서관
       및 도서관에서 진행하는 프로그램 전체
University of Calgary - 학교 수업 중단. 온라인으로 대체
MRU - 학교 수업 중단. 대체 수단 강구
SAIT - 수업 무기한 연기
AUARTS - 학교 수업 연기March 16 - 21
VCAD - 12일 부터 다운타운 캠퍼스 폐쇄. 추가적인 공지까지 무기한 수업 연기

문화 예술
Glenbow Museum – 일시적으로 폐쇄
Arts Commons - Upcoming events at Jack Singer Hall, Max Bell Theatre and Martha 
       Cohen Theatre 극장에서 진행하는 행사 당분간 보류
Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium – March 12부터 이벤트 모두 취소
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra April 18까지 모든 공연 취소
Wordfest April말까지 모든 공연 취소
March 12 - 14, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of 
       Azkaban at the Jubilee Auditorium 연기됨
March 18 - 21, Alberta Ballet's Peter Pan performances scheduled at the Jubilee 
       Auditorium 연기됨
Vertigo Theatre March 13부터 모든 공연 보류
Theatre Calgary remaining performances of "Admissions", and posponed Million   
       Dollar Quartet until further notice 추가적인 공지때 까지 연기
Calgary Opera 시즌 전체 취소
Stage West 추가적인 공지 때까지 연기
Cineplex and Landmark cinemas 당분간 극장 폐쇄
The National Music Centre 당분간 폐쇄

The Calgary Tower March 16자로 폐쇄
The Calgary Zoo March 16 자로 폐쇄
TELUS Spark March 13자로 폐쇄
Bow Habitat Station - 당분간 폐쇄, Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery는 운행
       public tours는 취소
Heritage Park 당분간 폐쇄

All City of Calgary recreation facilities March 16자로 전면 폐쇄
All City-owned, partner-operated recreaction facilities are closed effective 
       March 16 (including alll YMCA locations, Great Plans Recreation Facility, Westside 
       Recreation Centre, Cardel Rec Centre, Vivo Centre for Healthier Generations, 
       Genesis Centre, Trico Centre for 
       Family Wellness, Repsol Centre) 일반 기타 운동시설 모두 폐쇄
All Goodlife Fitness and Fit4Less Clubs (closed)
All Orangetheory Fitness studios (closed)
Mt Norquay Ski Resort - all operations closed 스키장 폐쇄
Nakiska, Fernie, Kimberley, Mt. Norquay and Kicking Horse ski resorts - ski 
       operations suspended 스키장 운행 중지
Revelstoke Mountain Resort ski area closed March 16 until further notice
WinSport - Ski hill, Markin MacPhail Centre and arenas closed effective March 16
Hidden Valley Ski Resort (Cypress Hills Provincial Park) - ski hill closed for the 

기타 서비스
Jury selection and jury trials at the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench May 31 이후로 
       일정 모두 연기
Kerby Centre for the 55 plus, March 17자로 폐쇄, outreach programs 만 진행
Calgary Food Bank, March 16부터 일시 중단
Calgary Humane Society, March 16부터 중단

콘서트 (모두 연기)
March 14, Bob Saget, Jack Singer Concert Hall (rescheduled for Nov 5, 2020)
March 15, Rodney Carrington, Grey Eagle Event Centre (postponed)
March 15 - April 15, all performances at The Laugh Shop
March 18, Burton Cummings, Grey Eagle Event Centre (postponed)
March 21 and 22, Comedian Dara O'Briain, Bella Concert Hall (postponed)
March 27, Bill Engvall, Grey Eagle Event Centre (postponed)
March 29, Foreigner, Grey Eagle Event Centre (postponed)
May 5, Rage Against the Machine, Scotiabank Saddledome (postponed)

Sports (모두 연기)
Calgary Flames (all games at the Scotiabank Saddledome) - NHL suspended 
       2019-2020 season
Calgary Roughnecks (all games at the Scotiabank Saddledome) - NLL suspended 
       2020 season
Calgary Hitmen (all games at the Scotiabank Saddledome) - WHL suspended 
Hockey Canada - Early end to season, championships cancelled
Alberta Alpine - Entire race calendar cancelled effective March 12
Alberta Soccer - provincial championships (cancelled)
March 4, Stampede City Showdown cheerleading competition at MRU (postponed)
March 13 - 15, U SPORTS Women's Volleyball Championship at the Jack Simpson 
       Gym (cancelled)
March 14 - 15, Long Track Grand Prix speedskating at the Olympic Oval (cancelled)
March 19 - 22, Long Track Finale speedskating at the Olympic Oval (cancelled)

Events (모두취소)
March 12 - 15, Calgary International Auto and Truck Show, Stampede Park
March 19, Chuckwagon Canvas Auction, Big Four Roadhouse
March 19 - 20, Alberta Indigeous Tourism Summit at Grey Eagle Resort (postponed)
March 21, Alberta Paleontological Society's Paleo 2020 at Mount Royal 
       University (cancelled)
March 21, Grape Escape, Stampede Park (cancelled)
March 22 - May 17, Gram Garden art installation, The CORE (postponed)
March 26 - 29, Calgary International Salsa Congress, Hyatt Regency (postponed)
March, Calgary Tower's 802 step challenge (cancelled)
April 2, City of Calgary Youth Hiring Fair (cancelled)
April 3, Taste of Bragg Creek (postponed)
Ward 11 Town Halls (Forward with Farkas) - March and April events (cancelled)
April 1-5, Aggie Days, Calgary Stampede

Places of worship
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary - all masses cancelled March 17 - April 5
Hillhurst United Church - all in-person worship services cancelled until further notice
Shia Muslims Mosque - all gatherings cancelled until March 25
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - all gatherings effective March 12
       Restaurants and bars

문 닫은 식당 등

*All locations in Calgary are restricted to either 50 per cent of location's fire load card occupancy (to a maximum of 250 people) as per the City of Calgary's state of local emergency*

The Garage Sports Bar & Restaurant - Closed to the public after staff member 
       tested positive for COVID-19
Ship and Anchor pub announced temporary closure effective March 16
Leopold's Tavern announced all locations across Canada closing effective 4 p.m. 
       March 16
The Living Room Restaurant closing indefinitely
Dickens Pub closed during COVID-19 pandemic
Mikey's on 12th closing temporarily
Trolley 5 - temporarily closed effective March 16
Concorde Entertainment Group temporarily closed its 18 local venues including
       Anju, Bourbon Room, Bridgette Bar, Double Zero, Goro+Gun, Local 522, Lulu Bar, 
       Model Milk, National, Pigeonhole, The Palace Theatre, Palomino, Ricardo's
       Hideaway, Sky 360, Wildhorse
Modern Steak - temporarily closed, plans to launch mBurger home delivery through 
       their website
Free House - temporarily closed
Posto - temporarily closed
Bonterra - temporarily closed
Cibo 17 - restaurant temporarily closed, market remains open for take home food
Hawthorn Dining Room - temporarily closed
The Keg Steakhouse and Bar - all locations in Canada closed effective March 17
Cactus Club - all locations closed to customers March 17 - 23, remain open for 
       takeaway orders

어디 갈데가 없네요...당분간 집에서 

출처: 2020년 3월 17일자 CTV 뉴스
  • 고기원 부동산
  • 이미진
  • Tommy's Pizza
  • 코리아나 여행사
  • WS Media Solutions
  • Sambo Auto

이전글  다음글  검색목록 목록

총 게시물 318건, 최근 0 건 안내
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2019년 11월25일(월) 저녁 5시에 캘거리 NE에 위치한 Sheraton Hotel에서는 11월16일 있었던 제35회 윤무관 합기도 챔피언쉽 토너멘트 대회의 시상식이 열렸다. 이날 행사는 수상자만 170명 스탭과 부모 등 모두 합하면 참석…
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