장소: The Genesis Centre 7555 Falconridge Blvd NE
날짜: 11월7일 토요일
시간: 오전 10시~4시까지
Where: The Genesis Centre 7555 Falconridge Blvd NE
Saturday, November 7th
Arrival Time: 10:00-10:20am
Opening Ceremonies: 10:30am
Tournament From: 11am–4pm
Hello, this is Bobby Triantafillou Head Instructor for Yoon's martial arts school. Annually, we also hold a martial arts tournament that focuses on building camaraderie, manners, sportsmanship and humility. We emphasize to our students the importance of learning from a loss, as well as the significance of the humbleness that must accompany a win. These, among many other aspects, are what distinguish our tournament from any other.
This year, we are proud to announce our 31st Annual HapKiDo Tournament. The tournament will commence on November 07, 2015 at the Genesis Centre in Calgary. Through our ticket sales, and generous sponsors, we have set up Yoon’s Scholarship Fund that allows students, who would otherwise not be able to afford our classes, a chance to be a part of our fundamental instruction.
All proceeds and ticket sales from the tournament go directly to our scholarship fund. Ideally, Yoon’s Martial Arts School would like to be able to offer its essential teachings to everyone that is interested in registration, regardless of his/her financial situation.
Yoon’s Martial Arts School would like to formally request your media attendance . We feel that we have developed an extremely noteworthy cause, for any media coverage.