Young Lions Network Night
행사날짜: June 4th, 2016 (Saturday) 4:30pm-9:00pm
장소: 캘거리 한인회관 (Calgary Korean Community Centre)
7008 Farrell Rd SE, Calgary AB T2H 0T2
Inviting All Young Professional Lions (18-49 years old)
We sincerely thank you all who joined last year. We had more than 50 participants and all of them loved and enjoyed what we offered. This year, we are hosting another one-of-a-kind event for every young professional lion who seeks learning and sharing opportunities.
This Year’s Theme: Challenge Yourself to Change Your World
This Year’s Speakers:
▶Maruice Shevalier, U of C Geochemist, Former Instructor at Lions Youth Leadership Camp
▶Senator Yonah Martin, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
▶Ken C. Johnston, Lawyer & Owner of Your Lawyer LLP
Program: Reception → Speeches → Light Buffet Dinner → Panel Discussion + Q&A → Mix & Mingle
RSVP 티켓 예약(무료): www.eventbrite.ca/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/younglionsnetwork/
연락처: 587-436-6737, 이태주 (TaeJu Lee)
이메일: ckls.secretary@gmail.com