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7월1일 캐나다 데이 축제 - uTurn Project Inc

글쓴이 : 운영자 날짜 : 2016-06-29 (수) 14:56 조회 : 11484
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B10-176


uTurn Project Inc. celebrates Canada’s birthday with festivitiesfor the whole family


Calgary, Alberta, June 29, 2016 – July 1st isCanada Day, a time to celebrate the country’s birthday with festivities throughout the nation. This is a time to showcase the vibrate and multiculturalfabric of Canadian society, and recognize the different pieces that comprise Canada’s mosaic. It is also an opportunity to acknowledge citizenship and commemorate diverse histories.

Calgary has long been established as a city that celebrates and welcomes individuals from allwalks of life. It is proud of its multicultural wealth and commitment toethno-cultural accommodation. Recent global events have prompted our city toaccept displaced individuals and welcome their backgrounds. The upcoming CanadaDay festivities are the first for some, and it marks the first steps in a newchapter of life.

uTurnProject Inc. invites you to join us for an afternoon of Canada Daycelebrations. We are proud to be hosting Syrian refugees and newcomers to Canada in an effort to bridge the cultural gap while welcoming them to a new life. The festivities will include artistic and creative performances, interactive and educational booths, and various familyoriented activities. In addition, there will be speeches delivered by MP Jason Kenney, Minister ofHuman Services Irfan Sabir, and MP Darshan Kang.  

                        Date:               Friday,July 1st, 2016

                        Location:       GenesisCentre

                                               7555 Falcon Ridge Boulevard N.E.

                        Time:              12:30 – 13:30

Thisevent will mark Canada’s 149th birthday and will act as a build up to the Canada150 celebrations in 2017. The year long Canada150 celebrations will kick off on January 1, 2016, with Canadians and newcomers participating in festivities that deepen our understanding of what it means totruly be Canadian. In an effort to connect Canadians from a plethora of backgrounds, this celebration will foster and establish a strong Canada today for a stronger futuretomorrow. 

About uTurn Project Inc.

uTurn Project Inc. is anon-profit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of vulnerable membersof society. Locally, this group assists newcomers with integration into Canadian society through services such as employment assistance and networking. On an international level, uTurn Project Inc. facilitates capacity building inunderdeveloped nations with a specific focus on children.

For Further Information Please Contact Jay Chowdhury 403-714-9739

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