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오픈 워크퍼밋 소지자 Employer Compliance Fee 지불 여부 문의에 관한 답변-SK Solutions 선경 이주 공사

글쓴이 : 운영자 날짜 : 2015-03-10 (화) 23:26 조회 : 26784
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B19-287

안녕하세요, SK Solutions 입니다.


최근몇몇 언론에서 “워홀 비자오픈 워킹 비자 소지자를 고용 시 고용주가 employer compliance fee($230)를 내야 한다”라는 기사가 있었습니다근원지는 명확하지 않으나아마 한군데에서 번역 오류가 있었고 베끼기 식의 기사로 인해 번진 것이 아닌가 합니다.  결론적으로 말씀 드리면 잘못된 기사이며, CIC발표는 아래와 같습니다.


International mobility program LMIA가 면제되는 취업 비자를 통칭하나 employer compliance fee($230)를 내야 하는 경우는 그 중 employer-specific work permit, 고용주가 지정이 되는 취업 비자예를 들어 주재원 비자와 같은 경우에만 국한한다고 되어있으며, open work permit은 제외라고 나옵니다 open work permit신청 시는 정부 신청비가 기존 155불에서 추가 100불이 더 올랐습니다.


아래는 링크 클릭하시면 이민국 홈페이지상의 원본 내용 보실 수 있습니다.







Notice – Changes to strengthen employer accountability under the International Mobility Program

February 9, 2015 

Employer compliance system and fee

Starting February 21, 2015, employers hiring foreign nationals who are exempt from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process will be required to submit information about their business or organization, the Offer of Employment form, and pay a fee to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

As of that date, a foreign national who is exempt from the LMIA process will not be able to get an employer-specific work permit if their employer has not submitted the required information and paid the fee before the work permit application is submitted.

The employer compliance fee has been set at $230 and must be paid online. The fees collected will offset the cost of introducing robust employer compliance activities featuring inspections of thousands of employers.

When an inspection finds that an employer is non-compliant, the employer could face an administrative monetary penalty, a ban from hiring foreign workers and, in serious cases, a criminal investigation and prosecution. The adoption of this system will mean that all employers, whether they are hiring LMIA-exempt foreign nationals or temporary foreign workers through the LMIA process that has determined that there are no Canadians available for the job, will face the same level of scrutiny in their hiring and treatment of foreign workers.

The employer compliance fee does not apply to employers hiring foreign nationals who have open work permits. Open work permits allow the holder to work for any Canadian employer.

CLARIFICATION (March 2, 2015): If a foreign national who holds an open work permit wants to apply for a new permit for a specific employer, the employer must pay an employer compliance fee and submit the Offer of Employment form before the foreign national can apply for the new work permit. 

New fee for open work permit applicants

A fee of $100 will be collected, also starting February 21, 2015, from open work permit applicants. This fee will be paid at the same time as the work permit processing fee and can be paid online. The fees collected will offset the cost of new initiatives to improve data collection on the role of open work permit holders in the Canadian labour market, as well as increased promotional activities to encourage open work permit holders to apply for permanent residence.

International Mobility Program streams that feature open work permits rather than employer-specific work permits include the working holiday portion of International Experience Canada, the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program, spouses/common-law partners of highly-skilled foreign workers and international students, and certain foreign nationals who are already in Canada waiting for the finalization of their applications for permanent residence.


SK Solutions / 선경 이주공사

[Calgary] Suite 303, 6707 Elbow Dr. SW Calgary AB T2V 0E5. Tel: 1-403-450-2228-9, 070-7404-3552

[Edmonton] Suite 206, 3132 Parsons Road NW Edmonton AB T6N 1L6. Tel: 1-780-434-8500, 070-7404-3552

[Korea] 경기도 성남시 분당구 수내동 9-4 현대오피스빌딩 707 우편번호 463-783. Tel: 070-7443-2235

Fax) 1-866-661-88891-866-424-2224

Website) www.skimmigration.com


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