캘거리 한인 라이온스 클럽 안경 재활용 봉사자 모집합니다.
중고 안경으로 새로운 삶을 선사
안경 재활용은 라이온스가 진행하는 가장 유명한 활동으로 손꼽힙니다. 굴절 이상은 안경으로 쉽게 교정할 수 있지만 개발 도상국의 수 백만 명이 기본적인 안과 진료 조차 받지 못하고 있습니다. 라이온스는 교정 렌즈의 긴급한 요구를 인식하고 시력을 위한 라이온스 안경 재활용 프로그램을 지원하고 있습니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다 (특히 중,고등, 대학 학생들 환영)
➨ 안경 재활용 참가한 봉사자들에게 Volunteer Certification 수료증 제공
➨장소: Lions Village: 2528 Bowness Road NW, Calgary, AB
➨시간: 오전 9시 시작, 점심 제공
History of Canadian Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center
1996: The program was officially launched with the following.
Calgary Correction Centre (CCC). Alberta Government supplied the facility which included a Correctional officer and the volunteer offenders. CCC receive, sort, sanitize, repair, read for prescription on Lensometer’s produce from an attached printer a prescription.then place into shipping boxes of 350 according to type.
* The LIONS provided funding and oversee the program, also the collecting and distribution of glasses.
1997: The first glasses were shipped and continue to be shipped.
2002: Saw the program reach a milestone in the shipping of its 1 millionth pair.
The program received the Premier’s Silver award of Excellence for program initiatives.
2006: September saw the second milestone and celebration of the distribution of it’s 2 millionth pair to a recipient in Haiti.
2010: October saw the third milestone and celebration of the distribution of it’s 3 millionth pair to a recipient in Mexico.
2012: Canadian Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center started a new initiative with respect to processing used eye glasses, we now have work parties where Lions from District clubs sort, clean, read and package glasses ready to be send to various missions as required.