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이민 컨설턴트 모집 - Shimlaw

글쓴이 : shim 날짜 : 2016-02-16 (화) 12:35 조회 : 19416
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B34-215

Shim Law 에서 캐나다 이민 사회의 발전을 위해 함께 하실 이민 컨설턴트를 찾습니다.

Shim Law는 알버타 주 캘거리에있으며 한국어는 물론, 영어, 중국어 (광둥어, 북경어, 푸젠어), 스페인어, 페르시아어, 말레이와 타밀어 등 다양한 언어의 서비스를 제공합니다.


이 직업은 캘거리 내의 변호사 사무실에서 이민 컨설턴트로서 클라이언트 연결과 더불어 현재 진행중, 또는 새로운 이민 절차를 시작부터 끝까지 돕는 일을 맡게 됩니다. Shim Law는 빠르고,  팀 위주의 환경을 중시합니다.

직책 / 업무:

  • 전화 상담과 방문 하시는 고객유치
  • 모든 이민 관련 업무 담당
  • 정확한 이민 관련 조언 전달과 고객의 케이스에 필요한 자료 수집
  • 캐나다 이민법과 절차에 대한 꾸준한 지식 발전
  • 캐나다 이민국 (CIC)과 시민권 발행에 필요한 서류 작성
  • 변호사와 함께 온, 오프라인 / 방송 매체의 마케팅
  • 탁월한 고객 서비스로 고객과의 관계 유지와 소개를 통한 고객 유치
  • 고객과 소통하여 매끄러운 업무 실행
  • 변호사 사무실의 정책과 방침에 따름

필요 조건:


대학 졸업자 혹은 그에 상당하는 전문직 수료자. 최소 1년의 이민 관련 업종 경험자 / 또는 RCIC 자격증 소지자 혹은 ICCRC 수료 내정자.


변호사 사무실 혹은 이민 사무소에서 최소 1년의 이민 관련 업무 경험이 있으신 분.

*추가 지원 가능 조건:

  • 내용과 이해에 대한 높은 집중력과 적응력
  • 캐나다 이민법에 따른 모든 종류의 이민 정책, 규정을 숙지하신 분, 또는 캐나다 이민 방법에 광범위한 지식 소유
  • 이민 상담을 통해 시작부터 비자 발급까지 경험 소유
  • 영어 (말하기, 쓰기, 읽기) 에 능통
  • 뛰어난 내적 성향과 발표, 문서를 통한 대화 기술 소유
  • 문화적 소통과 지적 판단능력, 뛰어난 결단력 소유
  • 팀 업무와 개인적인 업무 이행
  • Microsoft Word / Excel에 평균 이상의 지식
  • 단호함과 “할 수 있다”라는 긍정적인 마인드와 자신감, 지속적인 배움에 거부감이 없는 분
  • 다중 작업, 융통성과 신속함을 겸비하신 분

*업무 보상

인터뷰를 통한 지원자에 한 해 조정 될 예정입니다.

심재헌 변호사님께 info@shimlaw.ca 로 문의 주시기 바랍니다.

모든 지원자 분들께 감사하며, 인터뷰 대상자에게만 연락 드릴 것을 알려드립니다.

Shim Law is looking for a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant who is interested in joining us to build up the immigration practice in our firm. Shim Law is a Calgary based law firm in Alberta. We speak Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin and Fukienese), English, Farsi, French, Korean, Malay, Spanish and Tamil. 


This is a position for an Immigration Consultant to grow with a Calgary based law firm. The Immigration Practitioner is responsible for generating leads and handling new and existing cases from beginning to end. Shim Law offers a fast pace, team oriented environment to work in.


  • Filter walk in clients and phone inquiries to convert leads into clients.
  • Manage all immigration cases.
  • Provide accurate immigration advice to clients and collect information for client’s file.
  • Consistently build and update knowledge of immigration rules and procedures
  • Complete immigration forms in accordance with Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s (CIC) requirements
  • Assist lawyers with executing web and media marketing strategy
  • Provide clients with a excellent level of customer service and build lasting relationships for referrals
  • Follow up with clients to ensure cases go smoothly
  • Follow law firm policies and procedures

Job Specifications:

Graduate of a University degree, or equivalent professional qualification. minimum of 1 year of full service immigration experience and/or RCIC licensed or in process of obtaining ICCRC.

A minimum of 1 year progressive and full cycle immigration experience in a small to mid-sized law firm or immigration office.

Other Qualifications/Competencies:

  • Extremely high attention to detail and understanding/adhering to process is a must.
  • Knowledge of Canadian immigration law, policies and regulations as they relate to different types of immigration. Extensive knowledge of the various pathways forimmigration to Canada.
  • Experience with full cycle immigration cases from initial consultation to securing client’s visa or other resolution
  • Strong command of English speaking and writing skills a must
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal, presentation, and written communication skills.
  • Must be able to demonstrate cross-cultural awareness, sound judgment, and a high level of initiative
  • Ability to work well as a team and independently
  • Above Average knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel
  • Determined, ‘Can Do’ positive attitude and willingness to continuously learn
  • Ability to be multitask, be flexible and work in a fast pace environment

To be negotiated for suitable candidate. Please apply in confidence to Jae Shim at info@shimlaw.ca

We thank all applicants, however only qualified applicants will be contacted.

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