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Calgary booked.net
총 게시물 358건, 최근 0 건 안내 글쓰기
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

*Hiring* Website Social Media Graphic Designe

글쓴이 : SOS유학… 날짜 : 2016-07-19 (화) 10:04 조회 : 15369
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B34-235

*SOS Calgary 유학원입니다.
저희 SOS Calgary 유학원은 캐나다 토론토,캘거리,한국,베트남,인도네시아에 지사를 운영하고 있는 로컬기반 최대의 캐나다 전문 교육기업입니다. 
현재 캘거리지사에서 그래픽디자이너를 모집하고 있습니다. 반드시 영어와 한국어 모두 가능하고, 그래픽관련 경력있으신 인재를 찾고 있습니다. 관심있으신분들은 이력서를 soscalgary.career@gmail.com 로 보내주시기 바랍니다.
(전화나 방문문의는 받지 않습니다)
Stu-view Overseas Service Calgary(Shortly, SOS Calgary) was established in April, 2014 to serve international students (mainly Korean Student) with information about their education and career in Canada from their view point. SOS Calgary is the authorized representative of Canadian public institute and Public School board.

Social Media such as facebook and blogs are communications tools and powerful marketing tools that make SOS Calgary accessible to our students and make us visible to potential students those who have no knowledge of our service. Therefore, we are hiring a Social Media Graphic Designer who will create and design images and contents for these visual media. 

As you can see at our facebook page, www.facebook.com/soscalgary, http://blog.naver.com/nicecalgary or http://cafe.naver.com/soscanada ,our main target is Korean students. So candidate should can read and write Korean. 

Please send Resume to: soscalgary.career@gmail.com

While we thank you for your interest, only those qualified and selected for interview will be contacted.

Applicants must be (or will be) legally entitled to work in Canada to be considered for employment.

Title: Website Social Media Graphic Designer (NOC: 5241)

Position Summary : Website Social Media Graphic Designer will create custom designs for Event, Promotion, Education Fairs for International students who are interested in studying in Canada. The designer should provide creative solution to meet fast-paced environment of clients' needs. 

Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time

Salary: $40,040.00 Yearly for 35 hours per week ($22*35hr*52wk=$40,040)

Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible

Location: Calgary, Alberta (1 vacancy)

Job Responsibility: 

• Collaborate with director for social media marketing 
• Engage with new and repeat ensuring a solid understanding of design. 
• Build and maintain Web marketing tools as on-line blog 
• Provide on-line design solution for marketing director with small to medium scope requests. 
• Develop creative social media (facebook, blog, etc.) design concept 
• Create web graphics for social media (facebook, blog, etc.)
• Post graphics on Social media
• Take and edit photographs for Social media
• Shoot and edit basic video for Social media
Education: Degree or Diploma in Design 
Computer Applications: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Ms-Office
Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities : Fast-paced environment ;Attention to detail ; Ability to distinguish between colours; Tight deadlines

Experience: 1 year or more

Languages: Read Korean, Write Korean 
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

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이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

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