• 소셜 로그인
    • 소셜로그인 네이버, 카카오톡, 페이스북, 트위터, 구글 로그인연동 서비스로 본 사이트에 정보입력없이로그인하는 서비스 입니다. 소셜로그인 자세히 보기
Calgary booked.net
총 게시물 331건, 최근 2 건 안내 글쓰기
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

[구인] Kogas Canada Energy Ltd. / Bookkeeper / Downtown Calgary

글쓴이 : KCEL 날짜 : 2022-09-09 (금) 10:12 조회 : 3822
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B34-2564

Company Description:

Kogas Canada Energy Ltd. (“KCEL”) is a Canadian subsidiary company of Korea Gas Corporation. KCEL is participating in natural gas and liquefied natural gas projects.


Position: Bookkeeper 


Location:  #2310 140 4 Ave SW Calgary, AB, T2P 3N3


Days of the weekMonday to Friday


Position Type: Full time


Benefits:  Extended health care (After 3 months probation period)


Application Deadline: Sept. 16, 2022  24:00


Skills and Requirement:


      -    Minimum post-secondary education or equivalent experience*  

 * A minimum of 1 year experience in bookeeping or 1-2 years in administration


-      Bachelor’s degree of accounting bookkeeping

-     Knowldged in SAP accounting would be an asset

-       Bilingual in both English(Fluent) and Korean


Application Requirements:


-          Resume and Cover letter in English

-          Cover letter in Korean  


Duty and Function:


      Bank Reconciliation – conduct daily, weekly, and monthly reconciliation

(ongoing reconciliation of company bank accounts and credit card statements and other balance sheet accounts)

      Ensuring that all payments are made in accordance with company policy

      Organizing and filing deposit receipts as invoices are paid

      Posting and clearing receivables and payables in the accounting system

      Keep financial records and establish, maintain, and balance various accounts using manual and computerized bookkeeping systems

      Perform other related duties, as required


**Please note - this is an on-site position and you must be legally permitted to work in Canada.**


 Please submit your documents to HR@kogascanada.com


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