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[Korean gim]
Korean Gim, say it, sing it, taste it, and get a smart phone!  http://youtu.be/hhohO1PLRj0
Korean Gim 2 - Korean Gim Song Contest 2012  http://youtu.be/3nSl-Czj6cM
KoreanGim  http://youtu.be/skc2hyXoYBE

채프만헤어살롱 http://youtu.be/IGUUgvhhUIw
큰가마돌솥설렁탕  http://youtu.be/Oz8cC8UZazQ
"LA만물상" 여러분이 찾는 모든 것이 있습니다  http://youtu.be/PUZyL4FDhEg
LA 충효태권도   http://youtu.be/_f0uGJv_S5M
독도이사 많이 찾아주세요   http://youtu.be/nD-lSzfknDQ
Translation Simple Dokdo ver. http://youtu.be/Dkw9GyvLIAk
Translation Simple 1    http://youtu.be/0ykRY1l9Jz0
우리방송 1230   http://youtu.be/rtbRtTCuM_I
Translation Simple - Korean version    http://youtu.be/yEiGR-QAxdg
Simple Law Office   http://youtu.be/5VsAKg4r8FA
Haemian Body Heat 36.5C (97.7 F) Belt SPANISH VERSION   http://youtu.be/PNeBCZLcSd8
Haemian Body Heat 36.5 (97.7F) Belt KOREAN VERSION   http://youtu.be/ENCpHPwEqzE
Haemian Body Heat 36.5C (97.7 F) Belt   http://youtu.be/A3HH6AuCK-0
Simple Wedding English CF   http://youtu.be/VGGj52KDss4

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이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

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