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[EBIN NEW YORK] 꿈과 열정을 가지고 함께할 인재를 찾습니다 [Sales Planning Specialist]

글쓴이 : EBINNewYor 날짜 : 2024-10-22 (화) 15:02 조회 : 1221
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B34-3598
  이 게시물이 자동 폭파되기까지 남았습니다.
JOB TITLE: Sales Planning Specialist

REPORTS TO: Head of Sales

DEPT: Sales Planning



EBIN NEW YORK is a leading beauty brand specializing in hair care, cosmetics, lashes, and nail products since 2014. Our mission is to empower beauty enthusiasts with innovative, high-quality products that celebrate diversity and individual expression.


The Sales Planning Specialist at EBIN New York is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to boost revenue. This role involves analyzing market trends and sales data, setting sales targets, and collaborating with various teams to create and manage sales plans and budgets. Additionally, the specialist focuses on improving sales processes, providing insights, and preparing reports to support informed decision-making.


• Develop and implement sales strategies in alignment with the overall business objectives.
• Analyze market trends, competitor activities, and customer needs to identify sales opportunities.
• Conduct sales forecasting to predict future sales trends and set realistic sales targets.
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to create sales plans and budgets.
Utilize data analysis tools and techniques to evaluate sales performance and identify areas for improvement.
• Provide insights and recommendations based on sales data analysis.
• Streamline and optimize the sales process to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
• Work closely with sales teams to identify bottlenecks and implement solutions.
• Collaborate with sales teams to understand their challenges and provide support in achieving sales targets.
• Prepare and present regular reports on sales performance, trends, and key metrics.
• Maintain accurate documentation of sales plans, strategies, and related activities.


• A bachelor’s degree in business, Marketing, or a related field is preferred.
• Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and make data-driven decisions.
• Excellent communication and presentation skills.
• Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams.
• Flexibility and adaptability to navigate a dynamic business environment.
• Key skills include strong analysis, good communication, and proficiency with Office 365 tools like Excel and PowerPoint.


• Competitive salary and benefits package
• Lots of other perks – for ex: free lunch
• Opportunity to work with a passionate and innovative team.
• Career growth and development opportunities.
• A dynamic and inclusive work environment.


Interested candidates are invited to submit a resume to hr@ebinnewyork.com detailing your qualifications and related skills – please reference the JOB TITLE in the SUBJECT.


EBIN NEW YORK is an equal employment opportunity employer that seeks to comply with all current federal, state, and local laws and regulations. All employment and employment opportunities at EBIN depend entirely upon an individual’s qualifications, abilities, attitude and performance.

근무지: 5 Empire Blvd, South Hackensack, NJ
이력서 제출: hr@ebinnewyork.com

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럭키라… 2024-10-22 (화) 15:02
축하드립니다. ;)
EBINNewYork님은 럭키라이팅에 당첨되어 5 포인트 지급되었습니다.
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