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총 게시물 334건, 최근 0 건 안내 글쓰기
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

Digital Marketing Campaign Strategist| Korean 구인

글쓴이 : 미우66 날짜 : 2019-12-29 (일) 20:55 조회 : 13926
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B34-839

SELPEO는 동남아시아 내 헤드헌터 기업입니다. 싱가포르, 말레이시아, 필리핀, 태국 등에 진출한 글로벌 기업의 인재 서칭을 대행하여, Korean Speaking 인재를 모집하고 있는 정식 Recruitment Agency 입니다. 

[정식 Singapore /Malaysia Agency 인가]

Singapore - SELPEO Recruitment Agency Pte Ltd (EA Licence No: 19C9845)

Malaysia - Agensi Pekerjaan SELPEO Recruitment (EA Licence No: JTKSM538C)

후보자 분께 일절 금액적으로 요구를 드리지 않습니다. 

자세한 정보는 www.selpeo.com으로 문의 바랍니다. 

포지션의 지원을 원하시면, 아래 Application form 기입 혹은 이메일 회신 부탁 드립니다. 

SELPEO의 전문 리크루터가 기입하신 정보 기반으로 빠른 이메일/ 메신저 혹은 전화 상으로 연락을 드릴 것입니다.  

간단한 prescreening 후 인터뷰 프로세스가 진행이 됩니다.  


지원하기 ::  Application for SELPEO


Digital Marketing Campaign Strategist – Native Koreans ONLY


8000 - 8500 MYR

Working hour

Rotational shift

Work Location

KL Sentral, Malaysia


Mandarin and English

Jobs Description

Minimum Bachelor's Degree or equivalent practical experience with a strong academic record

3-4 years of relevant AdWords experience

Exposure to international clients highly preferable

Experience in implementing optimization solutions, creating keyword packs, and providing bid and budget recommendations for AdWords accounts/clients

Knowledge of various AdWords reports to gather and analyses data at a campaign and account level. Also, should be able to provide reports to supplement optimization recommendations or incremental opportunities.

Capable of strategic and goal-driven optimization techniques tailored to a client's’ requirements (branding, customer acquisition, lead generation or online sales) using AdWords Search, Display, Mobile, and etc

Intermediate knowledge of AdWords Editor

Excellent communication skills and demonstrated proficiency with written, spoken in English and Mandarin

Highly detail-oriented and capable of learning in a fast-paced environment

Demonstrated capability for critical thinking with an analytical outlook

Job Requirement

Able to work on a flexible schedule

Intermediate knowledge of MS Excel and PowerPoint

Committed to high-quality customer service

Strong work ethic and capable of working individually as well as in a larger team

Exposure to high-revenue accounts/customers

Intermediate/Advanced AdWords Editor proficiency

Prior experience in an operations environment


현재 구인중인 다른 포지션:: https://opening.selpeo.com/

말레이시아 구인 관련 정보:: CLICK HERE

Employment Process:

1. Resume screening - Please fill out an application form at Application register for SELPEO Make sure to attach you English resume before submitting the form.

2. Client’s Interview – This interview will be done either through Skype or Phone interview. We will be notifying you about the schedule of your interview.

3. Deliberation / Interview Results - We will notify you about the result of the interview, then I will assist you with the other steps to further process your employment.


Should you be interested to discuss this further, we can talk about it at your most convenient time. Let me know your contact details and the best accessible communication tool (Viber, Skype, Kakaotalk, WhatsApp) that we can use.

Thank you! Hope to hear from you soon.

포지션의 지원을 원하시면, 이메일 혹은 페이스북 / 카카오톡 메신저로 문의 주시기 바랍니다.

Email 문의::  to-careers@selpeo.com

페이스북 메신저:: https://www.messenger.com/t/selpeo

카카오톡 메신저:: https://pf.kakao.com/_qnuFC/chat

website:: www.selpeo.com

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럭키라… 2019-12-29 (일) 20:55
축하드립니다. ;)
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