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    • 소셜로그인 네이버, 카카오톡, 페이스북, 트위터, 구글 로그인연동 서비스로 본 사이트에 정보입력없이로그인하는 서비스 입니다. 소셜로그인 자세히 보기
Calgary booked.net
총 게시물 359건, 최근 1 건 안내 글쓰기
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

[구인] Kogas Canada Energy Ltd. / Bookkeeper / Downtown Calgary

글쓴이 : KCEL 날짜 : 2022-09-19 (월) 15:58 조회 : 8829
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B34-2585

Company Description:

Kogas Canada Energy Ltd. (“KCEL”) is a Canadian subsidiary company of Korea Gas Corporation. KCEL is participating in natural gas and liquefied natural gas projects.


Position: Bookkeeper 


Location:  #2310 140 4 Ave SW Calgary, AB, T2P 3N3


Days of the weekMonday to Friday


Position Type: Full time


Benefits:  Extended health care (After 3 months probation period)


Application Deadline: Sept. 23, 2022 @  24:00


Skills and Requirement:


      -    Minimum post-secondary education or equivalent experience*  

 * A minimum of 1 year experience in bookeeping or 1-2 years in administration


-      Bachelor’s degree of accounting bookkeeping

-     Knowldged in SAP accounting would be an asset

-       Bilingual in both English(Fluent) and Korean


Application Requirements:


-          Resume and Cover letter in English

-          Cover letter in Korean  


Duty and Function:


•      Bank Reconciliation – conduct daily, weekly, and monthly reconciliation

(ongoing reconciliation of company bank accounts and credit card statements and other balance sheet accounts)

•      Ensuring that all payments are made in accordance with company policy

•      Organizing and filing deposit receipts as invoices are paid

•      Posting and clearing receivables and payables in the accounting system

•      Keep financial records and establish, maintain, and balance various accounts using manual and computerized bookkeeping systems

•      Perform other related duties, as required


**Please note - this is an on-site position and you must be legally permitted to work in Canada.**


 Please submit your documents to HR@kogascanada.com


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이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

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