• 소셜 로그인
    • 소셜로그인 네이버, 카카오톡, 페이스북, 트위터, 구글 로그인연동 서비스로 본 사이트에 정보입력없이로그인하는 서비스 입니다. 소셜로그인 자세히 보기
Calgary booked.net
총 게시물 358건, 최근 0 건 안내 글쓰기
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

캐나다 노바스코샤주 {레스토랑}영주권 취득 및 취업 이민프로그램

글쓴이 : kmonster i… 날짜 : 2019-09-11 (수) 02:26 조회 : 14262
글주소 : http://cakonet.com/b/B34-693

Western Dining Bar


- Working area : Canada Nova scotia

- Job recruitment

   F&B : 8 ~ 10

   Cooks : 4~6

   Bartender : 1~2

   Salary requirements :$13/hour

   Terms and Conditions : at least1 of the three years related experience

- English Score : IELTS 4

- Hiring Conditions :

   Position stars differently

   Full-time jobs


This restaurant is : three-level ocean-side restaurant features a full food and drink menu with items suitable for all. The food menu specializes in east coast favorites with a unique twist -such as lobster pizza, baby donairs and the island's best seafood chowder!




Savory Middle Eastern & Delicious Canadian Cusine

Working area : Canada novascotia


Job recruitment

Cooks : 2~3

Salary requirements :$13/hour

Terms and Conditions : at least1 of the three years related experience

- English Score : IELTS 4

Hiring Conditions :

- Position stars differently

- Full-time jobs

<Owner wants to see Video and Portfolio>

Burger store

Working area : Canada novascotia


Job recruitment

Cooks : 2~4

Salary requirements :$13/hour

Terms and Conditions : at least1 of the three years related experience

- English Score : IELTS 4

Hiring Conditions :

- Position stars differently

- Full-time jobs

<Owner perfers cooks sho specialize in Burgers and wants to see video N Portfolio>


Pizza Store


Working area : Canada novascotia


Job recruitment

Cooks : 2~3

Salary requirements :$13/hour

Terms and Conditions : at least1 of the three years related experience

- English Score : IELTS 4

Hiring Conditions :

- Position stars differently

- Full-time jobs

Building Cleaning

Working area : Canada Nova scotia

Job recruitment

Building Cleaning Supervisors : 3 ~ 4

who must be willing to do cleaning work as well

Salary requirements :$13/hour

Terms and Conditions : at least1 of the three years related experience

- English Score : IELTS 4

Hiring Conditions :

- Position stars differently

- Full-time jobs

How to : Resume emalis received (info@kmonster.net)

Recruitment procedures :

-Document Review

-Skype Video interview (interview procedures may vary depending on the situation)


E-mail : info@kmonster.net

Website : blog.naver.com/kmonster

Tel :070-6952-0776

Kakao+ : KMonster

cacao Plus : KMonster

(If you add a friend you can consult to relax KakaoTalk)

K-monster  해외이주알선 등록 승인을 바은 해외취업  이주 전문업체로서우수한 한국 인재들이 캐나다 취업과 이민미국 인턴쉽일본/마카오/필리핀 취업 등을   있도록 지원하고 있습니다캐나다 이민은 OINP(Ontario Immigration Nominee Program) AIPP(Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program) 중심으로 진행학 있으며채용 분야는 호텔  서비스건설  기술 위주로 안내해 드리고 있으오니 K-monster 통해 해외 취업과 이주의 기회를 잡으시기 바랍니다.


 방문상담  카톡상담은 무료입니다 


 이메일: info@kmonster.net

 홈페이지: kmonster.net

 블로그: blog.naver.com/k-monster

 전화: 02-6952-0776

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  • 이미진
  • Tommy's Pizza
  • 코리아나 여행사
  • WS Media Solutions
  • Sambo Auto

이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

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